One of the most important things about little girls hairstyles is that they have to be both easy to do and very cute.
There are two reasons for that. You want to cut all that morning hustle when you’re trying to get them ready for school, but you want them to look their best as well so that you can send them off into the world as confidently as possible.
Little girls hairstyles are charming and enchanting. What qualifies as good hairstyles for little girls?
Any hairstyle that doesn’t add pressure to the fragile hair and scalp. However, this doesn’t mean little girl hairstyles revolve around natural hairstyles.
Add a braid, create braided princess crowns or add some colorful details to the mix, and you’ve got the perfect cute little girl hairstyle. Girls are all too conscious about the way they look. This is why choosing appropriate hairstyles for such a tender age is a great idea.
Little Girl Hairstyles to make at home – simple and fast
From an early age, girls begin to pay more attention to how they look. Not only the clothes matter but also the hair, so it is essential to find a hairstyle suitable for their age and tastes. While some are content only with their hair tied in a simple ponytail, others are chicer and want more intricate braids.
Whether they go to school, to a party, or to the park with friends, a neat hairstyle makes girls feel more special and gives them more self-confidence. Therefore, all the effort of weaving, combing, and gripping the tails of the mothers is worthwhile. However, because your time is increasingly limited, it is essential to learn how to make some quick and practical hairstyles.
In addition to being beautiful, a hairstyle must also be practical to give girls the freedom to move and play freely. Woven tails are an excellent option in this regard, especially since there are countless types of braids that you can make at home. You don’t have to worry that you won’t be able to braid your little girl’s hair well because, as you practice more, you will gain more experience and become a specialist.
With this idea in mind, we have compiled a list of lovely little girls hairstyles that is sure to inspire you. Here it is!
1. Little Girls Hairstyles with a Simple Knot
Remember what we just said about the hustle on school mornings? Well, it doesn’t get any easier than this. Tie a simple ponytail, create a parting in the middle and pull the ponytail through it. Voila! You have a French knot!
2. Little Girls Hairstyles with Bangs
Is there anything sweeter or cuter than a little baby girl with bangs? To complement the look, you can tie the rest of her hair in a messy top bun. Use a colorful head scarf to highlight the bangs and her doll-like face.
3. Triple Braids
Little girls love braids. We all know that. Or maybe we love to see them in braids because it makes them look even cuter. Even so, how about you go for three instead of one braid? These are triple braided half-up little girl hairstyles.
4. Waterfall Little Girls Hairstyles
This is not just a simple waterfall. In fact, this is called a loop waterfall braid. Don’t worry; it’s not at all difficult to make, and you can find tutorials online. However, you will need to practice a bit until you get it right.
5. Little Girls Hairstyles with Bows and Waves
This picture is the epitome of everything we associate with the loveliness of a little girl. Beautiful childish sun-kissed waves, two perfect French braids, and a big bow to tie it all up together.
6. Infinity Is Yours
Here is an idea for little girls hairstyles, which we loved for its practicality and versatility. This means that your tiny miss can wear both to school and to a fancy event or a wedding afterward without you wasting more time prepping her.
7. Little Girl Hairstyles: The Starfish Braid
You can also choose a more whimsical path if the child is small enough and still up for whimsy in their hair. This little girls hairstyle idea is basically comprised of a series of differently-sized braids, five of which converge into starfish.
8. The Lace Braid Little Girls Hairstyles
This one is called the arrowhead lace braid. Even though it looks intricate and very complicated to do, once you see a tutorial or two, you’ll notice it is, in fact, quite easy to pull off. It will be trickier to get the little lady to stand still, believe us!
9. Little Girl Hairstyles: Waterfall Braids
There are some truly spectacular little girls hairstyles out there and this is definitely one of them. It consists of three waterfall braids, set diagonally across the length of the hair, with three ribbons tied to them. For maximum effect, choose different colored ribbons.
10. Princess Little Girls Hairstyles
If your tiny bundle of joy was a real-life princess belonging to one of the world’s ruling houses, this is how she would be wearing her hair. A very intricate set of braids, tied together at the back of her head, to make her feel like the special person that she really is.
11. Little Girl Hairstyles: Across the Forehead
If you want your little doll to stand out truly, you can always try this hairstyle. It’s a simple braid, but the twist is that it encircles her head almost all the way around like a headband. The most eye-catching part is at the front, right down to the hairline.
12. Five Strand Little Girls Hairstyles
Here’s another version of the waterfall braids only this time you will have to do it with five strands instead of three. This will take a bit of dexterity, which means you need to practice quite a lot before you can get the hang of it.
13. The Yellow Rose
Don’t be afraid of adding all sorts of embellishments in your daughter’s hair. She will absolutely love it. However, make sure you check with her first and see what she likes. Better yet, make it a fun mother-daughter experience and choose them together.
14. The Flower Girl
We could not have possibly made this little girls hairstyles list without including a few wedding flower girl ideas. Here’s the first one. It’s a simple knot with a few waves, tied back with two white roses. The flowers will, of course, depend on what the bride chooses.
15. The Messy Fishtail
Here’s the perfect little girls hairstyles ideas for those lazy Monday mornings when getting her ready for school just seems an impossible task. It’s a very messy fishtail braid with a little red ribbon that will bring it together and make it a tad more elegant.
16. Simplicity Times Three
Here’s another interesting entry on our little girls hairstyles list. It starts off as a slick and simple ponytail. However, you will soon notice that it turns into three double twists that cascade down the back in a glossy waterfall of shiny hair. Wow!
17. The Hair Bow Little Girls Hairstyles
If you can’t decide on which bow to add to your daughter’s hair, we’ve got the solution. How about you skip the accessory altogether and you make a bow right out of her hair? It will look absolutely fantastic and she will be envied by all the other little girls.
18. Darling Miss Little Girls Hairstyles
Oh, my darling Miss, how pretty you look! Going to a fancy event, such as a wedding is not always easy when you have a toddler. The least you can do is make sure her hair is perfect. This high-top chignon with messy sides will win everyone’s hearts.
19. Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve
Yes, kids do that. But, how about instead of your sleeve, it’s in her hair? When talking about little girls hairstyles, nothing seems better than hearts, does it? These are two simple braids that have been tied together in the back to give the appearance of a heart.
20. Four Strands and a Ribbon
There really seems to be no end to human imagination when it comes to little girls hairstyles and braids, does it? This is a gorgeous example of what some expert fingers and a bit of creativity can do. The gorgeous knots in the middle plus the sideways tilt of the braid make it look like something out of a fairytale.
21. The Wood Nymph
Every Missy is some sort of nymph, fairy or pixie before she grows up. Therefore, why not give them the little girls hairstyles they deserve while you still can? Some teased up tresses and a flower crown will do the trick on this one.
22. Roses Are Red
Violets are blue, guess how much mommy loves you? As much as to give you this exquisite take on little girls hairstyles. You can obtain the super sweet curls by using old-fashioned curlers instead of a curling iron, which can damage her fine hair.
23. Traditional Pigtails
Our list of little girls hairstyles had to have at least one reference to the traditional pigtails. A staple in young lasses’ way of wearing their hair for literally hundreds of years, this is one tradition that is not going away anytime soon.
24. Top Bun Little Girls Hairstyles
This one is great because it’s both stylish and just so easy to do. If her hair is long enough, you can attempt the top bun by itself, with just a hair elastic. If not, you can always use a doughnut or even one of her tiny socks. Look it up online!
25. Modelling the Big Flowers
A top bun can also be the perfect simple canvas for some grandeur. If you’re going to a big event that allows for such splendor, you can always opt for a jumbo-sized flower piece on her head. She will love it!
26. The Simple Hippie Little Girls Hairstyles
Sometimes, the tiniest of details make the biggest of differences. In this case, a simple, thin three strand braid will be enough to transform a straightforward hairdo into a hippie hairstyle. Your little princess will thank you.
27. Natural Waves
Don’t be afraid to embrace your sweetie’s natural curls or waves if she has them. Little girls hairstyles can be about that as well. Invest in high-quality hair care products and make sure those childish locks shine with health and beauty.
28. Simple Tiebacks
Take it back to the roots with these simple tiebacks little girls hairstyles. All you need to do is pick up a few strands in the front on both sides, braid them and interweave them as you pull them to the back. Simple yet efficient!
29. Little Girls Hairstyles with a Low Chignon
Your kiddo can look like a white swan even if she doesn’t actually take ballet lessons. You can always borrow some hairstyles from the beautiful ballerinas. This one has two French braids that you have to tie into a low chignon.
30. Fauxhawk Plus Bubble Braid
That’s right. This hairstyle incorporates both a faux mohawk and a rocking bubble braid. Paired off with a cute dress, your little sweetheart will turn heads everywhere she goes. Pro tip – go for invisible hair elastics.
31. Front Twist with a Messy Bun
If your tiny lady’s hair is too short to create a perfect hairstyle out of, then you will need to make do. For example, you can always combine two or more ideas. Here is a front twist held together with some bobby pins, a messy bun, and a big bow for good measure.
32. French and Ponytails
Another classic combination on our little girls hairstyles list is the French braid plus ponytail mix. You know you can’t go wrong with a tried and tested recipe. In fact, you can call this the chocolate chip recipe of hairstyles!
33. The Ballet Bun
Here’s one more take on the traditional ballet bun. You can opt for it if your daughter is taking gymnastics or a sport or even if she’s just outside playing and you need to keep her cool and take the hair out of her eyes.
34. The Mini Braids Little Girls Hairstyles
If she’s small enough not to be able to stand still so that you can do all of her hair, don’t fret. Some mini braids will do the job just fine. Use a big bow, such as this lovely mint one, in a color that will complement her eyes and you’re done!
You might also like – 80 Gorgeous Braided Updos for All Hair Types
35. The Swirl
As far as little girls hairstyles go, you can never run out of imagination. Here is a beautiful underbraid in the French style that has been swirled into a big bun on top of her head. You can use a foam doughnut for the bun, to make sure it stays in place.
36. Little Girls Hairstyles and Princess Piggies
Every princess has to let her hair down in her own way every once in a while, doesn’t she? This is what the princess piggies mean. Little braided pigtails that would normally hang down her shoulders or her back and that are now neatly pinched in a top bun with a pink bow.
37. The Gymnastics Little Girls Hairstyles
If your sweetie pie is a gymnast then here is an awesome hairdo that you can always try out for her. It’s a very high bun with braids radiating from it. You can see that it also has a lot of ribbons used to decorate it.
38. The Butterfly Little Girls Hairstyles
Using a few hair elastics, in any color you want, create a butterfly effect at the back of your daughter’s head. Braid the remainder of the hair in two simple pigtails that will represent the butterfly’s own tails.
39. The Infinity Braid
Here’s another marvelous entry on our list of little girls hairstyles. It’s called the infinity braid and we absolutely adore it. Tie the hair up in a ponytail. Divide it in two. Twist one part and braid the other. Twist the two resulting braids in an infinity one.
40. Three Elastics and Two Curly Pigtails
This might be the cutest entry on our little girls hairstyles list. Using three elastics, create a triangle on the top of the head. This geometric pattern should then break into two curly and deliciously sweet pigtails, held together by pompom-like elastics.
41. The Mermaid Heart Braid
What do you do regarding little girls hairstyles for Valentine’s Day? The mermaid heart braid, of course. Once again, you will need to turn your attention to YouTube or Pinterest and find some good hair tutorials there. This one is quite complicated.
42. Wedding Inspiration for Little Girls Hairstyles
You can always base the hairdo on what the bride chooses or demands, of course. However, you can never go wrong with a sweet and shaggy ballerina bun complemented by a white satin bow.
43. The Viking Braid
Here’s an awesome thing you can try, inspired by the latest trends. A Viking braid on the top of the head, that continues into a simple ponytail. Platinum blonde is the color of choice here since the Vikings themselves were blonde, but it’s not a must, of course!
44. 4th of July Little Girls Hairstyles
What represents the 4th of July better than American stars? Recreate that with hair by twisting a few strands and using them to create one huge star at the back of her head. Tie the ends in two pigtails with our flag on them, naturally.
45. Star Struck Little Girls Hairstyles
This one is called the ladder, for obvious reasons. If you manage to acquire the skills to pull it off, everyone will admire the way it slowly snails its way diagonally across the back of the head, all the way down.
46. Halloween Little Girls Hairstyles
Don’t worry, it only looks intricate. In fact, it’s really easy. Part her hair down the middle in a zig-zag line. Tie it on both sides in bubble braids. For each “bubble” you create, add a specific Halloween hair accessory, such as plastic spiders, bats or skulls.
47. The Tower High Knot
When talking about little girls hairstyles, there’s the top knot and there’s the tower high knot. The latter goes right on the crown of the head and you can mark or embellish it by using a simple little bow of her choosing.
48. The Christmas Tree
We’ve also got a Christmas idea for our little girls hairstyles list. It’s a simple braid in which the strands have been pulled out backward and tied with green scrunchies so that it resembles a Christmas tree.
49. My Sweet Summer Child
Natural curly hair should be cared for and enjoyed as it is. You will need to buy a special shampoo, as well as a highly moisturizing conditioner, a detangling spray, and a mister, but it will be all worth it in the end.
50. Toddler Pigtails
Once you find the right accessories for the treasure that is your little girl, the rest should be cake, really. Just tie her precious hair up in two simple pigtails and let the accessories do all the talking.
51. Hairstyles for Little Girls: Short, Cute, and Color-accented
Short to medium-length hairstyles for little girls are the easiest to maintain. Your little ones are always on the run and full of energy. This is why a natural hairstyle that reaches chin-length may be one of the best options for the little princess.
It’s easy to brush and detangle if the hair is left to flow freely. It’s just as easy to pin it up in all sorts of ‘dos. Whatever you do, don’t forget the colorful hairpins, little-princess approved, of course.
52. Natural Hairstyles for Little Girls with Long Hair
We know that most little girls dream to be princesses. A princess’s most distinguishable trait is her long, beautiful tresses, always flowing in a cascade of whirls and waves. This is a great little girl hairstyle, both because it looks gorgeous and because it doesn’t stress her hair at all.
53. Cute Updo for Little Girls
Are you getting ready for a celebratory event? Here is some inspiration as far as your little one’s hairstyle is concerned. A cute updo with a braided crown and loosely flowing curls in the back. It’s effortless, gorgeous and it’s bound to make your little girl feel like a princess.
54. Cute Girls Hairstyles
This is a cute hairstyle for little girls with long hair. It may look like you need quite some skills to achieve this one. Nonetheless, it’s fairly easy. All you need are a few elastic, patience and a few bobby pins with flower decorations. This hairstyle works well both as a day to day ‘do or as a wedding hairstyle for little girls.
55. Free Flowing Locks and Headband Hairstyle
Let those tresses flow freely if your little princess enjoys it. Nonetheless, feel free to add a bandana that has a double protective role. It can keep the hair from falling on the face and causing irritations. At the same time, it can offer mild protection from sun rays.
56. Natural Hairstyle for Curly Little Girls
Curls and coils are adorable. As such, the best thing to do if your kid sport lovely curls like these are to let them down naturally. Of course, hair accessories never hurt. Add a few pins or a headband for extra support.
57. Cool Little Girls Hairstyles
A loosely braided princess crown that surrounds the head and is accented by a glittering bow is a stress-free hairstyle. Your little one will adore it.
58. Natural Hairstyle with Bangs
Some girls are just made for bangs and wavy flowing hair. For those days when you don’t want to do anything complicated with your girl’s hair, let it shine naturally. Add a headband like this pearl headband for an added lovely note.
59. Braids and Upsweep Little Girl Hairstyles
Braids never go out of style. For kids, they’re a cool element to show off with. This stunning hairstyle with an upsweep and a couple of braids will make your little one feel quite special.
60. Little Girls Braid Hairstyles
Any type of braids or twist braids looks stunning on your kids. Not to mention that they’re protective, easy to do and undo and comfortable to wear. Whether it’s braided pigtails, a braided crown princess or one braided ponytail we’re looking at, they all look natural and beautiful for your kid.
61. Little Girls Short Hairstyles
Speaking of comfort and the ease to maintain the natural beauty of your little one’s hair, a short haircut like this is ideal. Particularly if your little girl has thick straight hair, a short hairstyle cut to perfection will add a perfectly polished note no matter what. Chalk colored highlights are an extra cool element for your kid.
62. High Bun, Bangs, and Flowers
Cool? Beyond the shadow of a doubt. This little one sports one of the coolest hairstyles we’ve ever seen. Long bangs that perfectly frame the face, an impeccable updo and a colorful bow for support and an added wow effect.
63. Little Black Girl Hairstyles
Black hair is beautiful. However, it may be difficult to maintain and style. This is why little black girl hairstyles that are the best fit are those that are known as protective hairstyles. These lovely, intricate braids are one of the hairstyles you can try on for size.
64. Party Hairstyle for Little Girls
Is your little one getting ready for her best friend’s birthday party? Check out this stunning fun hairstyle that’s easy to achieve.
65. Chin Length Twist Braids for Little Girls
A trademark black hairstyle, Senegalese twist braids look just as stunning on little girls as on women. Try these with your kid. She will adore the cool factor brought about by braids and their versatility.
66. Short Hairstyles for Little Girls
It does resemble the Amelie hairstyle, doesn’t it? A playful color can go a long way in creating a special hairstyle that suits your little girl’s personality.
67. Curled Bob Haircut for Little Girls
Almost any natural hairstyle that works for you, works for your little one too. Just look at how cute this curled bob haircut is. Chopped ends and a soft finish and your little girl has an enviable hairstyle.
68. Curly Ponytails for Little Girls
It may come as no surprise, but ponytails or pigtails for little girls with curly hair are one of the easiest ways to tame that mane. Plus, they’re easy to make and comfortable to wear. A cute little girl hairstyle that never goes out of fashion.
69. Short Haircuts for Little Girls
When a short haircut doesn’t cut it anymore, spice it up with beaded headbands. Ask your little one to help you choose the colors she’d love most and work together on creating a sweet look for her every day.
70. Layered Hairstyle for Little Girls
Layered hairstyles are great for creating more volume and depth, particularly for fine thin hair. If this is the type of hair your girl has, try a layered haircut with long bangs. It will be easy to create different hairstyles with this one as a base.
71. Little Girls Braided Hairstyles
Two Dutch braids tied in the back with an oversized bow look lovely in a half up half down hairstyle for little girls. This is worth trying at least once. That heart-shaped pattern is adorable.
72. Fine Hair Braided Hairstyle
Fine hair is also fairly fragile, especially for little girls. Avoid combing it too much or creating very tight hairstyles. This low braid protects the hair while offering your little one the possibility to look and feel like a princess.
73. Braided Pigtails Updo
Create one braid. Part the hair in two. Spin the two sections upwards and secure them with a satin bow for a soft and chic look. Your kid’s neck will breathe during summer days, while her hair will look gorgeous styled like this.
Such a hairstyle will attract all eyes and, although it seems quite complicated, it is not so at all. Divide the front hair into two parts and grab two ponytails at the top of the head. With the rest of the back hair, form 6 simple thin tails, starting from the bottom up and then arranging them in a zigzag pattern, as shown in the picture. Tighten all the back hair in the two ponytails at the top of the head, and to make everything more interesting, you can use colored elastics.
74. Easy Hairstyles for Little Girls
Ok, we admit it. Any hairstyle that features these many hair elastics doesn’t look too easy to achieve. Trust us, though, it is. All you need is a fine comb to separate each hair strand that will be pinned with an elastic and a whole lot of patience. The results are stunning.
75. Natural Hairstyles for Little Girls
Do you want to achieve those swirls for your little girl? Simply swirl the hair while it’s humid and let it dry like that. Undo the swirls, let them dry entirely and use your fingers to untangle very tight coils. It will naturally arrange in a gorgeous hairstyle for little girls.
76. Braids and Twists for Little Girls
Start by separating the hair into four sections. Two larger sections should start on top of the head, while two smaller sections should be toward the back. Secure each of them separately.
Start braiding or twisting each of the hair sections. Secure them each time you’re done. Pull the two braids from the lower section towards those on top and secure them together with bows and elastics.
77. Natural Hairstyles for Little Girls
We mentioned that the best little girl hairstyles are those that don’t add pressure on the hair and scalp. Well, this loose fishtail braid is one of the best examples of such hairstyles for little girls. It also leaves plenty of room to add some elements like pins and hair cuffs that your kid will adore.
78. Lovely X-Braided Hairstyle for Little Girls
Wondering how this stunning hairstyle can be achieved? Part the hair in two and start braiding on each side towards the diagonal. When the two braids meet, secure with pins and then continue braiding on opposite sides.
79. Natural Hairstyle for Black Curly Hair
This cute little princess flaunts a natural hairstyle perfect for black wavy hair.
80. Little Girls Natural Hairstyles
Uncover those cute freckles by pulling half of the hair up. If a half-up, half-down ‘do isn’t enough, use the hair for a lovely braid that can also act as a natural headband. Secure it in place with pins and offer your little princess all the comfort she needs.
81. Little Girls Hairstyles with Beads
What can be more fun than having beads in your hair? Used as hair cuffs, these small decorative elements are perfect to adorn those braids, a few strands of hair or to create some pattern that your kid will love.
82. Complex Braided Hairstyles for Little Girls
Another instance of an amazing protective hairstyle. A stunning and complex fishtail braid.
83. Beads and Braids: Little Girl Hairstyles
Braids never lose their cool factor. Beads always bring a little extra. Colorful and playful, beaded braids are ideal as little girl hairstyles.
84. Smooth Ponytail with Twist Braid
This hairstyle looks best on straight hair due to the twist braid that acts as an adornment for the simple ponytail. If you’ve got what it takes for braiding, try this hairstyle for your kid. She will love it.
85. Little Girls Ponytail Hairstyle
A ponytail is a classic hairstyle for little girls and not only. Try fixing the ponytail with a few elastics in a natural color here and there. These will create an astonishing effect and a cool hairstyle for your little princess.
86. High Braided Ponytail for Little Girls
This is another variation on the classic ponytail for little girls. A fairytale hairstyle is bound to make your little girl feel like a fairytale princess.
87. Bow Accented Pigtails for Medium Hair
A medium haircut with bangs looks adorable on little girls. To increase the cute factor, style two high pigtails finished with bow details and hair elastics. We adore this natural and easy hairstyle.
88. Ponytail Style with a Twist for Little Girls
Make a ponytail as high as possible on the top of the head. Prepare more elastics to secure the following steps. Add another strand of hair to the first ponytail and secure it with an elastic. Continue these steps until you reach the base of the neck and let the rest of the hair flow freely.
89. Little Girl Hairstyles for Short Hair
This classy hairstyle was made for a diva. Not only does it look sophisticated and chic, but also cute and natural. Simple style the hair in tight waves and use mild hair products to keep it in place.
90. Hairstyles for Short Curly Hair
Are you out of inspiration on how to style short curly hair? Take a hue from this lovely princess whose hair is secured in two high pigtails.
91. Little Girl Curly Hairstyles
This amazing curly mane is all-natural. Sometimes, the best way to style such an impressive luscious mane is to let it flow freely. It may get tangled and difficult to upkeep. Nonetheless, it’s recommended that naturally, curly hair gets a break from all the twists and braids now and then.
92. Braided Bun Hairstyle for Little Girls
Braided buns are a twist of the classic buns, much more fun and playful for your little ones. Plus, you’ll be free of hairstyling all day long because this hairstyle keeps your little one’s mane in place all day long.
93. Wedding Hairstyles for Little Girls
Weddings are a special occasion for everyone, your kids included. As such, why not treat your little princess’s hair just as you’d treat yours? This stylish updo with plenty of twists and curls has a chic and playful note that makes it perfect as a wedding hairstyle for little girls.
94. Bow Bun for Little Girls
Ballerina buns? Sure, just with an added playful twist. Create this smooth bun and add an eye-catching element to it.
95. African American Little Girls Hairstyles
Short wedding hairstyles for black hair are stunningly cute and beautiful. Leave your little princess’ mane shine in all its splendour and increase the wow factor with nothing more than a cute bow.
96. Little Girl Updo Hairstyles
Remember the many strands and elastics mentioned earlier? This hairstyle is a variation of this intricate-looking yet easy to achieve little girl hairstyle. Only this time, the hair that used to flow freely in lovely waves, is now held up in a perfectly defined bun secured with an elastic.
97. Little Girl Hairstyles: Twisted Low Bun
Do you feel like trying out something new as far as little girls hairstyles are concerned? Try this twisted low bun. They’re fun and playful and take less than 5 minutes to make and secure in place.
98. Little Girl Updo Hairstyles
Another hairstyle that could work just as well as a day to day hairstyle for your little princess or as a wedding hairstyle.
99. Ballerina Updo for Little Girls
A ballerina bun that looks just a bit messy is the right thing for your little princess. Add bangs and the lovely note is ensured.
100. Little Girl Hairstyles with Bangs
As long as the bangs don’t reach the eyes, they’re a welcome addition to your kid’s hairstyle. They’re always cool, and your little girl will adore them.
How about you? If you have any daughters of your own, what kind of little girls hairstyles do you like to use? Are any of them already on our list? Let us know in the comment section below!
Ready to Change Your Look?
Whether it’s Disney princesses or celebrities that your little girl takes her cues from, mastering a few little girl hairstyles is a must.

Betty has over 15 years of experience in writing and editing for hairstyle publications. Her career started soon after graduating, leading her to winning many awards and opening her own salon at a very young age. She specializes in hair coloring techniques and hair care. In her spare time, Betty enjoys running outdoors, learning new languages, and occasionally binging a Netflix series.
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